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Wednesday Open Thread

I'm on a blogging break due to my impending move (September 10.) I'll put up open threads as I can so as not to leave readers high and dry, so to speak.

Blogging is a hobby but it's an expensive one. If you'd like to help out, donations are much appreciated. Paypal is very easy and takes credit cards, so you don't need a Paypal account. Or you can use snail-mail.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

My good news is I found a new house. The flip side is I have to move in about 3 weeks. There's a lot to do between now and then.

Our last open thread is full, here's a new one, all topics welcome.

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Monday Night Open Thread

In case anyone is wondering why I haven't been blogging the past week, here's the answer: I just found out I have to move again. My two year lease is up Oct. 7 and the owners notified me last week they want to sell rather than renew my lease.

It shouldn't be as bad as last time since I have 6 weeks instead of 3 to find a new home, and I have less to move since I put so much in storage last time, but it's still very stressful. [More...]

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Saturday Open Thread

I'll be back soon, hopefully by tomorrow. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Looks like I'll be busy at jails and in court the rest of the week.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Tuesday Night Open Thread

Our last open thread is full. I'm back to computer issues today -- I had to have the solid state hard drive replaced in my desktop and now I'm back to Windows 7 and reinstalling all my programs. I'm not sure if I will upgrade again to Windows 10. It is faster and prettier, but I don't like having everything linked to a Microsoft account or that my name shows in the browser.

All topics welcome.

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Friday Night Open Thread

What a long week! Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Trumpapaloooza Tonight!

All I have to say is if Trump tries to come all statesman tonight Ima be pissed. Not what I signed up for.

Talk amongst yourselves.

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Tuesday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Friday Morning Open Thread.

All persons welcome here.

Open Thread.

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Thursday Open Thread

Another day yesterday spent on computer issues. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome, while I catch up.

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Windows 10 Upgrade Fever

I do not like upgrades, but there were so many positive things being said about the new Windows 10, and my 6 month old desktop was having so many problems and freezing so often, I decided to see if it would work.

Last night, it didn't work. It said "still working" but never went anywhere. 7 hours later, same thing. I asked Microsoft to call me, and they did, and were very nice, but they couldn't figure it out and "escalated my request" saying someone would call again tomorrow.

Finally, I found a possible solution, and I'm shocked, it worked. Not only that, it's is really a step up from Windows 7 in every way. With none of the bad features of Windows 8.

The Edge browser is really nice. Much faster and less cluttered than Chrome and Firefox. More later, I'm going to play around with it some.

Have any of you tried upgrading? Was it a success or are you stuck in failed update or error mode?

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