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A Move Unlike All Others

Not in a million years could I have anticipated what happened during my move last Thursday. To make a long story short, one of the movers set my new home on fire during the move-in.

This was no little fire. It was more like a big bonfire. It started in the second bedroom and spread to the living room, and burned through the hardwood floors down to the core. The entire place was covered in ash. The smell got into everything -- couch, bed, rugs, and more.

The place is now uninhabitable and the fire restoration experts say it will take a month to repair. [More...]

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Tuesday Open Thread

One of these days, I'll dive in to the politics thing again, as opposed to just eGhazi. But today is not that day.

Open thread.

Also too, I ranted about Iowa/NH going first on Daily Kos Radio. I start at about the 47 minute mark.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

Tough first week - I stand at 7-9 (-5 units) ATS. Today I turn it around. The picks (in bold):

Wake Forest vs. @ Syracuse -4; Army +7 vs @ Connecticut; Houston vs @ Louisville -13; Temple +7 vs @ Cincinnati; Fresno State vs @ Mississippi -30(3 units);East Carolina +21 vs @ Florida; LSU -4 (5 units) vs @ Mississippi State; Hawaii vs @ Ohio State -41 (3 units); South Florida +29 vs @ Florida State; UCLA vs @ UNLV +30; Oregon vs @ Michigan State -4 (3 units); Boise State vs @ BYU +3; Kentucky vs @ South Carolina -7 (3 units) ; Toledo vs @ Arkansas -23 (3 units); Notre Dame vs @ Virginia -13; Minnesota vs @ Colorado State +5 (3 units); Georgia -21 (4 units) vs @ Vanderbilt;Miami Ohio +31 vs @ Wisconsin; Buffalo + 17 vs @ Penn State; Bowling Green +8 vs @ Maryland; Oregon State +15 vs @ Michigan

Go Gators!

Open Thread.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

Tough first week - I stand at 7-9 (-5 units) ATS. Today I turn it around. The picks (in bold):

Wake Forest vs. @ Syracuse -4; Army +7 vs @ Connecticut; Houston vs @ Louisville -13; Temple +7 vs @ Cincinnati; Fresno State vs @ Mississippi -30(3 units);East Carolina +21 vs @ Florida; LSU -4 (5 units) vs @ Mississippi State; Hawaii vs @ Ohio State -41 (3 units); South Florida +29 vs @ Florida State; UCLA vs @ UNLV +30; Oregon vs @ Michigan State -4 (3 units); Boise State vs @ BYU +3; Kentucky vs @ South Carolina -7 (3 units) ; Toledo vs @ Arkansas -23 (3 units); Notre Dame vs @ Virginia -13; Minnesota vs @ Colorado State +5 (3 units); Georgia -21 (4 units) vs @ Vanderbilt;Miami Ohio +31 vs @ Wisconsin; Buffalo + 17 vs @ Penn State; Bowling Green +8 vs @ Maryland; Oregon State +15 vs @ Michigan

Go Gators!

Open Thread.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Today is packing day. Four movers, 8 hours.

Tomorrow is moving day -- another four movers for 8 hours. I'm nowhere near ready, even though I've been doing little else for almost a month. And I'm only moving less than a mile away from where I am now.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome. I

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Tuesday Afternoon Open Thread

Open Thread.

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Saturday Night Open Thread

Moving is so hard. And time is going so fast. This is my fourth downsize in 11 years, and each time I have more stuff than will fit in the next place.

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

Inauspicious start last night as Boise ad Mich St screwed the pooch for me (1-2 ATS). But today is the day I jumpstart my season. Here are the picks (all 2 units unless otherwise indicated):

Southern Mississippi +21 (3 units) over Mississippi State

Wisconsin +14 over Bama

Georgia Southern +18 (3 units) over West Virginia

New Mexico State @ Florida - Over 55

Texas +10 (3 units) over Notre Dame

Texas A&m -3 over Ariz State

Akron +34 over Oklahoma

Bowling Green +22 (3 units) over Tennessee

Penn State -7 over Temple

Louisville +11 1/2 (3 units) over Auburn

Nebraska -7 over BYU

Virginia +20 over UCLA

Stanford -10 (3 units) over Northwestern

Go Gators!

Open Thread

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Pre-College Football Open Thread

College pigskin is back!

And tomorrow the inaugural game choices.

Expecting to return to my 60% hit rate!

A little taste tonight - Boise State (-12) over Washington

Mich State (-16) over Western Michigan

Over 71 in the Baylor-SMU game.

Open Thread.

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Wednesday Open Thread

I have a list of 50 or so things to do before I move. I'm on number 3.

Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

I dumped the spam from the last week. I'll try to check it every night.

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Monday Open Thread

Sorry, doing lawyer things.

Open Thread.

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Friday Open Thread

College football just around the corner.

Open Thread.

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