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Wednesday Open Thread


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Monday Open Thread


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Saturday Open Thread

The three hour Eagles "rockumentary" on Showtime just began airing. It's the History of the Eagles, as told by the Eagles. It starts with the early years of Henley in Texas and Frey in Detroit, with lots of guest appearances. There are also some great performances.

Random question: Does anyone remember the version of Hotel California in concert with Henley and many men wearing turban style hats playing drums (see update below, it was trombones not drums) -- to me it had a decidedly African beat. I think I saw the live performance many many years ago, and had it on my computer, but can't find it now. I can't even remember whether it was the whole band or a Henley solo concert. [Added: it was Henley's solo Inside Job Tour at Red Rocks in July,2000.)

This is an open thread, all topics welcome. [Update below):

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Friday Open Thread

Here's tomorrow's open thread, a few hours early. Thank you, Showtime. I just re-watched the last hour of the 2013 History of the Eagles documentary. It's over three hours long, and will re-air in full on Saturday, 4pm Mountain Time.

It's gradually dawning on me I will never again see this band perform. Such a loss. From Denver to Aspen to Red Rocks and Boulder's Folsom Field, I got to see them so many times. I've watched hundreds of videos of shows I didn't see in person -- and I've saved dozens on my various computers. It's never enough.

Personally, I could care less about politics right now -- but this is an open thread, all topics welcome. [More...]

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Monday Open Thread


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Sunday Night TV and Open Thread

This is an open thread, all topics (TV-related or not) welcome.

How much TV can I watch in one night? There's the Democratic debate and Sean Penn on 60 Minutes. There's the Good Wife, Downton Abbey, Shameless and the Royals. I even like Guys' Grocery's Games (I don't like Worst Cook in America.)

Two shows I tried to like and really didn't, so I won't be watching any more: Ruta 35 on Unimas and the most awful, gratuitously violent novela I've ever seen that just started last week on Telemundo. Called La Querida del Centauro, it seems to be a thinly veiled take on the prison romance between El Chapo and Zulema Hernandez. Sony generally does not make good novelas. The only passable one was En la Boca Del Lobo. I think novela-land will be barren until the return of Senor de los Cielos (season 4) in April. (La Viuda Negra Part 2 may start before then, but it's just okay.) The best, if you speak Spanish is El Capo (Seasons 1 and 2. Season 3 has English subtitles but isn't as good as the first two seasons.) Ranking up there with El Capo: El Cartel (Seasons I and II, not the movie); La Reina del Sur; Pablo Escobar Patron de Mal; and En La Boca del Lobo. [More...]

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Saturday Open Thread


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Friday Open Thread


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Thursday Afternoon Open Thread


Update [Jeralyn]: I have no interest in watching the Republican debate, but if you're watching, you can put your thoughts here.

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Tuesday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Sunday Open Thread

If I were going to write another post today, undoubtedly it would be on El Chapo. Rather than do that, I'll put up a new open thread.

All topics welcome.

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Thursday Afternoon Open Thread


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