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Friday Open Thread


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Thursday Open Thread

Like BTD, I'm busy at work. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

I spent the day battling Wall Street banks in court today.

Open Thread.

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Tuesday Open Thread

NH primary is today.

Open Thread.

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Monday Open Thread

If any of you remember my disastrous move last September when the movers set the place on fire as I was moving in, I'm glad to report that today, after five months, the flooring company arrived to begin tearing out the hardwood floors and replacing them.

I've been living there with only about 20% of my possessions since October. I thought they'd be done about 3 weeks after I moved back in, so I just brought essentials, thinking it would be a slight inconvenience compared to the hassle of moving everything out again when they started on the floors.

The floors will take a week to ten days to finish, so I have checked into an almost brand-new hotel nearby. (I'm waiting in the lobby for my room to be ready.)

I suspect my blogging will be light this week, but you never know. This is an open thread, all topics welcome. So are donations, if anyone hasn't contributed in a while!

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Sunday Open Thread

Open Thread.

Super Bowl today. I bet Tails and the Panthers.

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Saturday Open Thread

There's another GOP Debate tonight. I'm not wtching.

The Super Bowl is tomorrow and probably won't watch that either but that's cuz I'm really work busy. I'm a big Cam fan so pulling for anthers.

Open Thread.

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Friday Open Thread


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Wednesday Open Thread

No, I'm not watching the TV show about O.J.

Or following the campaigns in New Hampshire -- everyone should just declare themselves a moral victor and move on to states with more significance to the race as a whole.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Saturday Night Open Thread

What I'm watching: The X Games in Aspen (here's today's updated schedule) and next the Screen Actor's Guild Awards (Red carpet airing now on E.)

I've gone days without blogging. The biggest reason is both the mouse and the track pad on my laptop are on the fritz. They alternate between not doing anything and all of a sudden moving to a different page. The hard drive is just about full, making it very slow. (And there's nothing I feel like moving to an external drive.) [More....]

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Friday Open Thread

Busy day. I'll write a little bit on Iowa and EGhazi (same story, different day) tomorrow.

Open Thread.

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Thursday Open Thread


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