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Photos From RNC Convention Week

Here are some of the photos that summarize the RNC in New York:

Jailed protesters inside Guantanamo on the Hudson
(Larger version at IndyMedia website)

Last Sunday's anti-Bush march

Last Friday's NY nude protest

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Are We Done With Ron Silver ?

Actor Ron Silver, the Bush-convert, has been on MSNBC every night during the RNC. He was intriguing in his Zell Miller-like conversion the first night. He was tiring the second. He's impossible to listen to tonight. A broken record. Grating. I'm so burned out on Ron Silver. Can he please go back to acting now?

The tables turn. Right now on MSNBC, Janeane Garofalo and Sam Seder of Majority Report are tearing into Silver on Joe Scarborough. This is getting heated. Tune in if you can.

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Judge Orders Protesters Released

A judge in New York today ordered the city to immediately release 470 protesters by 5pm and imposed a $1,000.00 fine for each prisoner not timely released.

There were accusations that the city was deliberately holding the protesters longer so they would not be in the streets during Bush's speech. "The evidence shows that the city told defendants that they would not be released until George Bush went home," said Dan Alterman of the National Lawyers Guild. The New York Police Department denied the charge.

State Supreme Court Justice John Cataldo fined the city $1,000 for every protester held past a 5 p.m. deadline that he had set for their release. It was unclear how many detainees were still in custody, but Cataldo had ordered the release of 470 people. "These people have already been the victims of a process," Cataldo told the city's top lawyer. "I can no longer accept your statement that you are trying to comply."

50 of the detainees went on a hunger strike. Conditions at the make-shift jail at Pier 57 were reportedly deplorable, prompting a rally yesterday to protest "Guantanamo on the Hudson." You can read the stories of some of those arrested in their own words here and here.

Check out the photos at Am I Patriotic? --today's are here. The AP story is here.

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Bush Speech: Word Count

Bush's speech was 5,000 words. Here's the breakdown, according to an e-mail we just received (no link, so fact check if you must.)

0 mentions of Iran
0 mentions of North Korea
0 mentions of Osama
3 mentions of Al Qaeda
5 words on the current situation in Iraq

Or how about these numbers for the speeches over the last four days?

No 'debt' or 'deficit'
Unemployment - 0 mentions
Uninsured – 1
Outsourcing - 0
Premiums - 0
Middle-income families – 1

Daily Kos has the text of Bush's speech, which had been embargoed.

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Bush Speech Lies

Bush said in his speech tonight that he supports the protection of marriage against activist judges. He said the judges he appoints will know the difference between personal interpretation and a strict interpretation of the law. He lied.

Bush's judicial nominations to date include some of the most extreme right-wing ideologues and activists out there. William Pryor; Charles Pickering; Priscilla Owen; Janice Rogers Brown.

If George W. Bush gets re-elected, he will likely appoint 3 Supreme Court justices during his next term. Say goodbye to Roe vs. Wade and a woman's right to choice. Say goodbye to equal rights for gays. Say goodbye to all the freedoms you want to preserve for your children. They will be gone.

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Bush's Speech and Failed Presidency

I'm listening to Bush and so far he's not saying anything. He's boring. He should fire his speech writer. 1,000 soldiers died in Iraq and he wants to talk about creating a new tax code and going after trial lawyers? George Pataki's speech was more impassioned and heartfelt than his. Here is John Kerry's response to Bush's speech:

“The election comes down to this. If you believe this country is heading in the right direction, you should support George Bush. But if you believe America needs to move in a new direction, join with us. John and I offer a better plan that will make us stronger at home and more respected in the world. And we need your help to do that.

“I believe it's time to move America in a new direction; I believe it's time to set a new course for America. And we have a specific plan to do just that. So tomorrow morning, John and Elizabeth and Teresa and I are hitting the road across America’s heartland. From here, we’ll go out and talk with Americans in towns across Ohio, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan. And because a stronger America begins at home, we’ll talk about our plan to create jobs, cut taxes for the middle class, lower health care costs, and make America safer and more secure.”

John Kerry is holding a midnight rally tonight in Ohio. Tune out Bush, Tune into Kerry. George W. Bush, Flip-Flopper in Chief.

Update: Read Michael Berube on last night's speeches. The best so far.

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Republicans Abandon Zell Miller

What poetic justice. Yesterday the Republicans were hailing Zell Miller as their new champion. After the massive criticism of Miller's attack on Kerry, they have disowned him.

After gauging the harsh reaction from Democrats and Republicans alike to Sen. Zell Miller's keynote address at the Republican National Convention, the Bush campaign - led by the first lady - backed away Thursday from Miller's savage attack on Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry, insisting that the estranged Democrat was speaking only for himself.

Late Thursday, Miller's name was removed from the list of dignitaries who would be sitting in the first family's box during the president's acceptance speech later in the evening. No explanation was immediately offered, but the change was made only a few hours after Laura Bush, asked about Miller's deeply personal denunciation of his own party's nominee, said in an interview with NBC News that "I don't know that we share that point of view."

Aides to President Bush and his campaign said Miller was not speaking for all Republicans.

Markos of Daily Kos writes:

LOL. All those smug f***s, braging about bagging a Democrat as their keynote speaker, can't run far enough in the other direction. They welcomed him with open arms. He's theirs. We're not taking him back.On the other hand, we like our keynote speaker. Ours -- Barack Obama -- represents the future of this country. Zell was the past. They can have the past.

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RNC: Daytime Appearances

If anyone's looking for Zell Miller today to let him know what you think of his speech, he'll be signing books at the Hilton. (1335 Avenue of the Americas, 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.)

If you'd rather catch Arnold, head over to Planet Hollywood. (1540 Broadway, 11 a.m.) where he will be hosting a lunch for the California delegation.

[Via National Journal]

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Thoughts on Kobe Case Dismissal

Some thoughts on the dismissal of the Kobe Bryant case, and predictions:

  • It's best for Kobe and the accuser. Finally, their dirty laundry will be kept out of our living rooms.
  • The civil suit may be on the precipe of being settled. Condition precedent from the accuser: Kobe must make a suitable public apology before she agrees to bow out of the criminal case.
  • A week ago, the sides were too far apart on the wording of the apology. Jury selection moved forward. The apology got better and the latest mistake of the jury questionnaire gives the accuser cover to say that was the final straw.
  • The loser: The Eagle County District Attorney's Office. It bowed to public pressure to bring the charge after a local sheriff precipitously obtained an arrest warrant, without conducting an adequate investigation into the facts. They lost control of the case. The defense trounced them with good lawyering.
  • Judge Terry Ruckriegle is to be commended. He ruled fairly with well-reasoned opinions. He kept order in the courtroom. Mistakes by court personnel were just that, mistakes.
  • Colorado's rape shield statute worked in this case. Evidence of the accuser's prior sexual history would not have come into evidence. Only evidence of her contemporaneous sexual activity, within 72 hours of her rape exam, was ruled admissible.

I'll be doing a live chat on the case for the Washington Post at 11 am ET.

Update: Transcript of chat is here.

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Zell Miller: 'Get Out of My Face'

Amazing fight between Zell Miller and Chris Matthews on Hardball. Miller is a hothead, to put a positive spin on it. Matthews was freaked by the attack. Now even JC Watts is sticking up for Matthews. But Matthews is interrupting Watts the way he does everyone. I like Matthews, but he needs to watch the tapes of his shows and let someone else talk. That rat-a-tat-tat takes a toll on the viewer. But, again, Zell Miller just unloaded on him...catch the rerun if you can. Howard Dean was a puppy by comparison--at his loudest.

Update: The mock jury on msnbc loved Zell Miller's speech. One called it "uplifting and optimistic." They said he had more credibility because he was a democrat. Only one person said he was overboard. If this represents voters in general, this country is in big trouble. The war machine is here to stay.

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Cheney Bashes the Trial Lawyers

I have to say, after the fanatical Zell Miller, Cheney is easy on the ears. But what about substance? He's co-opting FDR as his own. He's pushing his own family values.

He wants every child to have a chance to suceed. He wishes his grandkids a world of freedom, safety and peace. So do we all, why doesn't he understand that this is why Bush needs to go?

A gratuitous slap at the trial lawyers. Rote applause. Did someone flash a sign that said "Clap now?"

Lots of trite platitudes in the speech. Whoops, there goes a protester. Cheney smiles.

One nice touch. He mentioned Kerry's Vietnam service and said "We honor him for it." The crowd applauded.

Then he attacked Kerry's record. On cue, the crowd boos for Kerry's record. They are like marionettes with someone behind the podium pulling their strings.

I'm looking at the delegates for the first time. It's a sea of white....like mayonnaise.

Now Cheney is praising the use of military force. The crowd cheers. Warmongers all. He criticizes Kerry's vote for the war but against funding it. Now the crowd is chanting flip-flop.

Meanwhile, at the bottom of the screen, here's what's flashing: "Terror alert elevated."

Cheney is pleased with himself. Listing the flip-flops. Now on the Two Americas--"America sees two John Kerrys."

Nice speech, no impact. Nothing new. Tuning out now.

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Kobe Issues Apologetic Statement

Kobe Bryant has issued this statement. It's contrite. I think we can expect a settlement of the civil case shortly.

"I want to apologize to her for my behavior that night and for the consequences she has suffered in the past year. Although this year has been incredibly difficult for me personally, I can only imagine the pain she has had to endure. I also want to apologize to her parents and family members, and to my family and friends and supporters, and to the citizens of Eagle, Colo.

Although I truly believe this encounter between us was consensual, I recognize now that she did not and does not view this incident the same way I did. After months of reviewing discovery, listening to her attorney, and even her testimony in person, I now understand how she feels that she did not consent to this encounter.

I issue this statement today fully aware that while one part of this case ends today, another remains. I understand that the civil case against me will go forward. That part of this case will be decided by and between the parties directly involved in the incident and will no longer be a financial or emotional drain on the citizens of the state of Colorado."

Here's more:

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