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Libby and Perjury: Count Five of the Indictment

Count Five of Lewis Libby's indictment (html version) alleges that Libby lied to the grand jury on both March 5, 2004 and March 24, 2004 when tesifying about his conversation with Matthew Cooper and other unnamed reporters.

The recitation of phrases used by Libby sets off alarm bells in my head. They are the same as Cheney used in the September 14, 2003 edition of Meet the Press.

Libby in Count 5 (p. 21, Par. 2B)

"I don't know Mr. Wilson. We didn't ask for his mission....I didn't see his report."

Cheney on Meet the Press:

I don’t know Joe Wilson....I don’t who sent Joe Wilson. He never submitted a report that I ever saw when he came back.

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