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Nashville Post Debate Thread

Thankfully, it's over. It was a terrible debate format, Tom Brokaw disappointed, McCain was incoherent, snivelling and condescending. Obama appeared Presidential.

You Tube above is of McCain calling Obama "That One."

What did you think?

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Obama-McCain Nashville Debate: Live Thread One

The Nashville debate between Senators Barack Obama and John McCain begins at 9pm ET on CNN. Big Tent Democrat, TChris, the TL Kid and I will be live-blogging.

The live blog stays below the fold so that it can be a bit wider than the front page allows. Just click on the "There's More" button or bookmark the permalink to go directly to it.

You can comment same as always in the comment section below. You also can send us live messages through the software. Only comments you post below will appear on the site.

We'll ll be putting up some polls during it to see how you think the candidates and questioners are doing. If comments reach 200, we'll start a new thread.[More...]

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A "Dear John" Letter to John McCain

My great friend (and TalkLeft contributor) Anita Thompson, who like me, used to be a fierce Hillary supporter, has written John McCain a Dear John letter on her Owl Farm Blog.

Dear John McCain,

This is a sincere Thank You note for being the man to put my heart, soul, time and money back into politics.

My beloved late husband, Hunter S. Thompson, gave me the political bug years ago. And to honor his spirit, I was asked to blog for several exciting websites during the Denver Convention. I accepted, but because I was a Hillary supporter, I was going through the motions with thinly veiled apathy and losing steam fast.

My story is not uncommon. I was one of the millions who were hoping for that Clinton/(Obama) ticket. With that failure, it got worse as the months went by. I got depressed, and even sick, my self-esteem tanked, and interest in either party was slipping away.

Then whamo! With your VP pick, the Obama/Biden ticket is not just the better of the two parties, it is a bright and shining star next to the arrogant and stupid Sarah Palin you put in our faces. [More...]

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Five Days After Bailout, Economy and McCain Are Tanking

Last week on the day the Dow had its astounding 770 point loss, I asked how much can you afford to lose? I mentioned:

I don't have any investments, but my mother has a modest amount that is used to pay for her nursing home care. ... Today, she lost thousands.

Friday, the bailout agreement agreement passed and things have gotten worse. Yesterday and today she lost thousands more. All in so-called "large cap" (less-risky) stocks that supposedly always come back. I hope she lives that long.

I don't know many people who can lose such huge sums in a week and keep on trucking. Here's what I think it means for the election. [More...]

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Tom Brokaw's Questions

Matt Yglesias makes a good point, this is Tom Brokaw's town hall, not anybody else's:

In essence, Tom Brokaw and his staff will be asking the questions. They’re sifting through a big group of people, and their pre-set questions, and picking the questions they like. Meanwhile, though, Brokaw and co. get to evade responsibility for the questions if people don’t like them — it was real people asking!

So whoever gets mad about the questions - and someone will, Dem or GOP, the guy to blame is Tom Brokaw. Keith Olbermann will not tell you that.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Just A Reminder: Bush and The GOP Have Been In Charge For 8 Years

I took a peek at Blogometer and I see the Right is trying to pin the economic troubles we have on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Now, the argument is hogwash on an intellectual level and I'll go through why tomorrow. But for the purposes of this election, it is incredible hogwash. Why? Because George Bush became President in 2001. Why? Because Republicans controlled the Congress from 1995 to 2007.

If Fannie and Freddie were the problem, why in the hell didn't the Republicans fix it from 1994 until now? Barack Obama showed up in Washington, DC in 2005. Fannie and Freddie have been around for 40 years. What the hell was the Republican Party doing during its 12 years of dominance of the Congress and 8 years of dominance of the White House? If Fannie and Freddie were the problem, why didn't the Republicans fix it? Maybe we can ask Rick Davis, John McCain's campaign manager, who made millions as a Fannie and Freddie lobbyist.

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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Alaska Dems: Palin Distorted Her Record on Darfur

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin claimed during the Vice Presidential Debate:

"When I and others in the legislature found out we had some millions of dollars in Sudan, we called for divestment through legislation of those dollars to make sure we weren't doing anything that would be seen as condoning the activities there in Darfur." --Sarah Palin, Oct. 2, 2008, VP Debate

Not so, say Alaska Dems in a press release today. In fact, adds Shannyn Moore, she lied. [More...]

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How Bill Clinton Did It

John Dickerson of Slate has a good article on how Bill Clinton handled a losing Republican candidate's attempts to change the subject from the economy to the Democratic candidate's "character:"

In 1992, the moment symbolized the disconnect between Bush and the electorate: He wanted to talk about character, while America was pleading for solutions. The president compounded his problem when he inartfully handled a woman's inartful question about how the "national debt" had hurt him personally. (Bush was also caught looking at his wristwatch twice during the evening.) Clinton knew how to take advantage of the moment. "I worked 12 years very hard as a governor on the real problems of real people. I'm just as sick as you are by having to wake up and figure out how to defend myself every day. I never thought I'd ever be involved in anything like this."

(Emphasis supplied.) Of course, as Jack Shafer writes, Bill Clinton was the master of the town hall. And the greatest politician of his generation. But still, something for Obama to draw from.

Steve M. found the video:

By Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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The Polls - 10/7

On the eve of the second Presidential townhall/debate, the polls show Barack Obama with a significant lead. DKos/R2000 (10/4-6) has Obama up 11, 52-41. Ras (10/4-6) has Obama up 8, 52-44. Gallup (10/3-5) has Obama up 8, 50-42. Hotline (10/4-6) has Obama up 2, 46-44. Battleground (10/4-6) has Obama up 7, 50-43. And just for fun, the charlatan John Zogby has started a tracking poll for Reuters with Obama leading by 3, 49-46.

Among the non-trackers, NBC/WSJ (10/4-5) has Obama up 6, 49-43. NYT/CBS (10/3-5) has Obama up 3, 48-45. CNN/Opinion Research (10/3-5) has Obama up 8, 53-45.

By Big Tent Democrat

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Ohio Breaking To Obama

Joining the Columbus Dispatch poll (Obama by 7), the ABC/WaPo Ohio poll has Obama up 6, 51-45.

Fun fact:

No Republican has ever been elected president without winning Ohio, and the state's 20 electoral votes are of paramount importance to McCain.

By Big Tent Democrat

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The Debate: The Economy

While John McCain is erratic, angry and desperate about his own political fortunes as opposed to the country's problems (country first, my ass), the American People are angry and desperate about the economy.

Tonight's debate/town hall is a chance for Barack Obama to explain, argue for and detail how he will help Main Street, homeowners and ordinary Americans in this time of economic distress. Yesterday, John McCain flip flopped - after first saying "the fundamentals of the economy are strong" he now says "this is the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression" (and he would know). Of course John McCain is more interested in talking about the Weather Underground than the economy. This is not surprising as he admits himself he knows nothing about the economy.

Barack Obama needs to tell the American People what he will do to help us through these tough times, how he will help Main Street. John McCain is a prop tonight. What we need to hear is Obama have a conversation with the American People about what matters. I hope he does it.

by Big Tent Democrat, speaking for me only

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