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Bush and the Jewish Vote

There's lots of talk about whether Bush will get the Jewish vote for being pro-Israel. Consider that not a single member of his cabinet is Jewish, and compare his record of appointments with that of previous Presidents. It's a long list, here's the beginning and the end:

George Washington was the first President to write to a synagogue. ....His letters were an expression and hope for religious harmony.

Thomas Jefferson was the first President to appoint a Jew to a Federal post. In 1801 he named Reuben Etting of Baltimore as U.S. Marshall for Maryland.

....Bill Clinton appointed more Jews to his cabinet than all of the previous Presidents put together.

George W. Bush is the first president since Herbert Hoover who has no Jews in his cabinet at all.

Source: Tina Levitan's First Facts of American Jewish History.

[Note: Don't bother posting anti-semitic comments. TalkLeft doesn't allow them. They will be deleted and the commenter's ISP address will be banned.]

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New Ad Attacks Bush on Guard Service

The antidote to the Swift Boat Veterans ad has made its debut:

Texans for Truth, established by the 20,000-member Texas online activist group, DriveDemocracy.org, has produced a 0:30 second television advertisement, "AWOL." The ad features Robert Mintz, one of many who served in Alabama's 187th Air National Guard -- when Bush claims to have been there -- who have no memory of Bush on the base. In other words, Bush failed to fulfill his military duty while others were dying in Vietnam.

The ad opens with the text, "Was George W. Bush AWOL in Alabama?" You can watch the ad here. The ad script is here. The group is accepting contributions here to get the ad on the air.

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Kitty Kelly's Bush Revelations in Perspective

Poor Man writes his own version of Bush revelations contained in Kitty Kelly's book. Compare Kelly's revelation of Bush's alleged personal cocaine use, National Guard service and a girlfriend's alleged illegal abortion to these:

  • "The reputation of the United States has been demolished over the last four years! We have alienated allies, embarrassed ourselves in front of the UN, and undermined the struggle for human rights around the world by holding secret prisoners, sending innocent people abroad to be tortured, and torturing prisoners to death in Iraq and Afghanistan!"
  • "George W. Bush is an idiot! Really! He can't form a coherent sentence, he shows no aptitude for or interest in any intellectual pursuit, and he routinely embarrasses himself and the country with his shocking displays of ignorance! He falls down constantly, and he almost died eating a pretzel!"
  • "George W. Bush is a horrible President! When given a daily briefing entitled "Bin Laden determined to attack in the United States", he took no action, went on vacation, and a few weeks later 3,000 people were dead!"

Poor Man says:

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Ben Barnes Sorry He Used His Power for Bush

Tonight on 60 Minutes, Dan Rather interviewed Ben Barnes, the Texas Speaker of the House during Vietnam who got President Bush in the National Guard. He said he was sorry he had the power he used to decide who would go to Vietnam and who would go to the Guard.

"I've thought about it an awful lot and you walk through the Vietnam memorial, particularly at night like I did a few months ago and, I tell you, you'll think about it a long time. ...I don't think that I had any right to have the power that I had to choose who was going to Vietnam and who was not going to Vietnam. That's power. In some instances, when I looked at those names, I was maybe determining life or death and that's not a power that I want to have. ..."

Rather also outlines four documents he obtained from the personal files of Col. Jerry Killian, Mr. Bush's squadron commander:

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When John Kerry Was a Lawyer

In anticipation of the newest attack ads on John Kerry, I encourage everyone to read Jeffrey Toobin's portrait of Kerry in the May, 2004 New Yorker.

Given his background in the antiwar movement and progressive politics, Kerry might have seemed like a natural for a public defender’s office. “That’s a stereotype of the worst order and a total knee-jerk reaction,” Kerry told me during a recent conversation about his legal career. “I always had a prosecutor’s mind and a prosecutor’s bent. It was always what I wanted to do, even in law school. There was a rule in Massachusetts that allowed law students to prosecute misdemeanor trials in front of six-person juries, and I got an unbelievable amount of experience before I even graduated.” For a politically ambitious young lawyer like Kerry, especially one who was known only as a protester, it also made sense to earn a law-enforcement credential.

After leaving the DA's office, Kerry opened a private practice, for a while.

In 1979, John Kerry and a colleague at the D.A.’s office, Roanne Sragow, opened the firm of Kerry & Sragow, at 60 State Street, in downtown Boston. Sragow, who was born in New York and grew up in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, graduated from Tufts and Boston College Law School, and was one of the star assistant district attorneys during Kerry’s tenure in Middlesex County.

Private practice does not a criminal defense lawyer make:

Kerry’s background as a prosecutor made criminal work unappealing to him. “I took a court appointment once in a criminal case, and I realized I just didn’t want the guy out on the street,” Kerry told me. “I knew he was guilty. It takes a certain kind of makeup as a lawyer to dedicate yourself to having someone like that out on the street. I know our system says someone has to represent everyone, but I just couldn’t do it. I went to the court and asked them to take me off the case.”

They did take some court appointed cases, and one of them is the one that the anticipated new "Willie Horton" ad will bash him for -- most unjustifiably. The case involved a defendant named George Reissfelder. Reissfelder was serving a life sentence for murder, which happened during a robbery gone bad. While in prison, he got a one day furlough and escaped. After 3 years as a fugitive, he was caught in Florida and sent back to finish his life sentence. At the time of his recapture, he tried to pull a gun on a cop, and Florida got 15 years from him for it.

But, Reissfelder was innocent of the initial robbery/murder. After returning to prison in Massachussetts, a judge appointed him a lawyer for him to assist him in proving his innocence. That lawyer was Roanne Sragow, John Kerry's partner.

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The Cheney Curse

Don't miss T.D. Allman in Rolling Stone writing on the curse of Dick Cheney. He details how Cheney's career has been marred by one disaster after another --maybe Bush will be his next failure.

In related news, Vice President Dick Cheney warned Tuesday that a vote for John Kerry is a vote for terrorism. Who can respond to such a dumb assertion? Fafnir of Fafblog can. Read his account of his adventure when Tom Ridge came to his house to seize his absentee ballot because it might aid and abet a terrorist attack on the U.S.

Official Homeland Security Department ballot-sniffin dogs sniff my apartment an find my absentee ballot. "Aha!" says Tom Ridge. "Fafnir, by the authority placed in me by the Government and Jesus and many other large things, I'm placing you under arrest!"
"Oh no!" says me. "What for?"
"For plotting to vote for John Kerry!" says Tom Ridge. "As Vice President Cheney noted today, if John Kerry gets elected in November, 'we'll get hit again and we'll be hit in a way that will be devastating from the standpoint of the United States.' That means the election of John Kerry is the election of another terrorist attack. That means by voting for John Kerry you've participated in a terrorist conspiracy to attack the United States of America!"

[links via Avedon Carol at Sideshow.]

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What Has Bush Done For Us Lately?

Check out this article by Stephen Hass on Bush's non-accomplishments and scare tactics. Some snippets:

In short, Bush has done absolutely nothing for this country, other than to convince way too many suckers that they were in imminent danger from somebody or other. Somebody really scary. Somebody really scary who speaks Arabic. Bush's other memorable accomplishment was to destroy numerous international alliances that we spent decades building. He has also destroyed two nations (one of which - Iraq - had nothing at all to do with anything).

We decide our own fate every four years in this country. If you vote for Bush, keep your mouth shut when you see that we're still in Iraq for at least four more years, and thousands more of our nation's youth are still being slaughtered and maimed there. Keep your mouth shut about everywhere else Bush sends our nation's youth to die and be ripped apart - and he most definitely will sacrifice them elsewhere. Keep your mouth shut about your grandchildren who will still be paying for Bush's preemptive escapades around the globe.

More on how the War on Terror has not stopped terrorism from Green Left Weekly

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Patriot Act: Kerry vs. Bush

What's the difference between Kerry and Bush on the Patriot Act? The Associated Press asked each. Portions of their responses:

Bush: The Patriot Act has already been used to help break up terror cells in New York, Oregon, and Virginia. Safeguards for civil liberties, including traditional judicial review, are built into the Patriot Act. Not a single civil liberties violation associated with the Patriot Act has been cited by the inspector general. Because it has been used effectively and responsibly, I have called upon the United States Congress to promptly renew the expiring provisions of the Patriot Act."

Kerry: As president, I will defend our liberty and our security at home as well as abroad. I will appoint an attorney general who values and protects constitutional freedoms. I believe some provisions of the Patriot Act - like the money laundering provisions - must be made stronger. Others - like the library and 'sneak-and-peek' search provisions - must be made smarter, to better protect the freedom of law-abiding patriotic Americans while allowing our government to do everything necessary to track down terrorists and defend America. As president, I will ensure that the American government is open and responsive to the needs and inquiries of Congress and the public, offering enough information to hold the government accountable without compromising our security."

Actually, Kerry is far better on limiting the excesses of the Patriot than the AP article makes him out to be. He is a co-sponsor and supporter of the SAFE Act. Here's what Senator Durbin (D-IL) said about Kerry's position in a Senate Floor Statement on April 20, 2004, the day Durbin introduced the SAFE Act:

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Where Was Bush? Nowhere to be Found

Additional National Guard Records of President Bush were revealed today as a result of the Freedom of Information Act lawsuit (background here) requesting same. They show a mediocre peformance by Bush, but more significantly:

A six-month historical record of his 147th Fighter Interceptor Group, also turned over to the AP on Tuesday, shows some of the training Bush missed with his colleagues during that time. Significantly, it showed the unit joined a "24-hour active alert mission to safeguard against surprise attack" in the southern United State beginning on Oct. 6, 1972, a time when Bush did not report for duty, according to his pay records.


"For months George Bush told the nation that all his military records were public," [Democratic National Committee communications director Jano Cabrera ] said. "Now we know why Bush was trying so hard to withhold these records. When his nation asked him to be on call against possible surprise attacks, Bush wasn't there."

Oliver Willis:

So, when his country needed him to be ready, Bush was nowhere to be found. Talk about 'Unfit to Serve'.

Check out Nicholas Kristof in Wednesday's New York Times:

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Bill O'Reilly vs. Hillary for Senator?

The New York Daily News reports Fox News Anchor Bill O'Reilly is thinking of challenging Hillary Clinton for the U.S. Senate. [link via Say Anything.]

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Good News for Kerry?

There must have been some good news for John Kerry today. The Bush administration has come out with another pre-election terror warning.

Terrorists still hope to disrupt the U.S. democratic process even though the presidential nominating conventions and other high-profile gatherings this summer went off without incident, Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge said Tuesday. Threat reporting over the last several months has been "consistent, general and credible" and indicated the al-Qaida network is trying to push ahead with its plans, Ridge said.

Is anyone even listening any more? As to good news for Kerry, Daily Kos has some:

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Bush and Kerry Miles Apart on the Death Penalty

Here's an issue we should be talking about more than George Bush's cocaine use--Bush and Kerry's different stances on the death penalty.

Should Sen. John F. Kerry be elected in November, the United States would have as president its strongest opponent of the death penalty in at least the last half-century, capital punishment opponents believe. Kerry would be "the most anti-death penalty president elected in the modern era," according to David Elliot of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty.

...As governor of Texas, Bush signed off on 152 executions. As president, he has maintained his support for the death penalty. Three men have been executed under federal law while he has been in office, the first federal executions since 1963.

....Kerry has said he opposes capital punishment except in cases involving terrorism. While he may have voted in favor of some omnibus crime bills that included expansions of capital punishment, on stand-alone legislation Kerry has opposed the death penalty in a variety of ways.

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