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Today's Electoral College Count

From the Electoral Vote Projector:

It was bound to happen and it happened. Today we have more state polls than there are states. There are 54 new polls in 22 states today. Furthermore, the lead has changed in five states, and all five changes favor Kerry. As a result, Kerry has now passed Bush in the electoral college. If today's results are the final results Wednesday morning, John Kerry will be elected as the 44th President of the United States, with 283 votes in the electoral college to George Bush's 246. But don't count on it. Many of Kerry's leads are razor thin. Counting only the strong + weak states, Bush leads 229 to 196, with 113 electoral votes in the tossup category Kerry's leads in the tossup states mean little to nothing. The turnout Tuesday will determine who wins.

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GOTV: November 2

Stop Bush

Vote Kerry

From LA Weekly (hat tip Pandagon)

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'Meet the Press': Fair Matchup?

Update: Steve Gilliard on Rudy:

For people surprised by Giuliani's attack on US troops, read how he treated his own family.

'Meet the Press' this morning has Bob Kerry (former Neb. Senator and 9/11 Commission member) vs. Rudy Giuliani. I turned it off after opening credits announced the "squaring off." Given Giuliani's name recognition, this is hardly a fair matchup. Why didn't NBC put someone of equal celebrity stature on in its last show before the election to argue for the Dems? Were Clinton and Gore too busy? I doubt either would have refused the invitation.

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Rolling Stone Interview with John Kerry

Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner spent two days in October with the Kerry campaign. Here is the Kerry interview. Same issue, Hunter Thompson, with an exceptionally good article we wrote about last week here.

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GOP's Grip on Florida Loosening

Three signs that the Republicans don't have the advantage in Florida they think they have--

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Newsweek Poll Deconstructed

Jerome at MyDD dismantles the skewed Newsweek poll showing Bush 6 points ahead of Kerry. Why is the poll skewed? One reason is it doesn't account for the party identification of the person polled

It's amazing what sort of story the media can create with just 1117 individuals of their choosing. In their just released poll, which the conservative mouthpieces are using to tout a "late break to Bush" as a result of Osama, and a 6% lead over Kerry among "likely voters" here's the facts.

He's got them, go read.

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Weekend Bush Video Watching

Here's two clever, one minute Bush videos to watch this weekend:

Bush vs. Cheney, The Debate and
Hard Working George.

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Rudy Giuliani Gunning for 2008

A new, in depth profile of Rudy Giuliani in this week's New York Magazine examines his future potential as a presidential candidate in 2008. What an awful idea, although no way would he win with his pre-9/11 background, but this thought is even worse: Rudy as Attorney General or Director of Homeland Security in a Bush II Administration. Some choice quotes:

For Rudy to be a viable candidate in 2008, terrorism still has to be the central issue. He could vanquish it the way he vanquished the squeegee men.

Describing Giuliani back at his hotel after an event:

...Giuliani, in shirtsleeves, is on a gray central couch, an enormous cheese-and-cracker plate in front of him, untouched. When he’s standing, Giuliani is often hunched. Seated, his posture is even odder: He’s so short-waisted that his large head appears perched just above his navel.

On his future:

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John Kerry's Saturday Radio Address

Read it, send it around, GOTV. From John Kerry's Saturday radio address:

"I see an America of rising opportunity. And I believe hope, not fear is our future. "In three days, we can change the course of our country. I ask for your vote and I ask for your help. When you go to the polls next Tuesday, bring your friends, your family, your neighbors. No one can afford to stand on the sidelines or sit this one out.

"In three days, this campaign will end. The election is in your hands. You can vote now and every day until Election Day. And if you believe we need a fresh start in Iraq . if you believe we can create and keep good jobs here in America ... if you believe we need to get health care costs under control ... if you believe in the promise of stem cell research ... if you believe our deficits are too high and we're too dependent on Mideast oil ...then I ask you to join me and together we'll change America.

"Thank you and God bless America." ---

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Gary Hart Stumps for Dems: Warns of Draft

Gary Hart has hit the campaign trail. He adds to speculation about a draft:

If the United States wants to keep a strong presence in Iraq, but few volunteer for military service, “What other course is left?” he said. “The only answer is conscription.”

He also blasted Bush's "imperialistic policy."

The war in Iraq was conceived a decade ago by high officials now in the Bush administration, including Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, to establish a democracy in Iraq and use it to moderate the region and eliminate threats to the world oil supply, Hart said. The attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, were “a smoke screen” to allow the plan to be put into action, Hart said.

More on the war in Iraq:

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Cheney to Campaign in Colorado Monday

Last minute addition to the Bush/Cheney campaign schedule....Cheney will campaign in Colorado Springs Monday.

Is Bush afraid he's lost Colorado? Or that Amendment 36 splitting the electoral vote will pass?

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Reaction to Osama Videotape

Steve Gilliard: Anyone who thinks this is good for Bush is an idiot.

Digby: Mediawhorgy

Daily Kos (by DemforCT)

Josh Marshall

Update: Bonassas has links to more reaction.

Billmon returns to say this is the October surprise.

Question: Has anyone asked whether Osama could have made this tape in captivity?

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