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Tom DeLay Indicted

by TChris

According to radio reports and the "Breaking News" banner on cnn.com, Tom DeLay (hold your applause) has been indicted by a Texas grand jury on one count of criminal conspiracy. (Applause is now appropriate.) Updates will be posted as details become available.

The indictment is here (pdf). The charge carries a maximum sentence of two years.

First update: Here's the AP story. Note: several additional updates follow.

A Texas grand jury on Wednesday charged Rep. Tom DeLay and two political associates with conspiracy in a campaign finance scheme, an indictment that could force him to step down as House majority leader.

DeLay attorney Steve Brittain said DeLay was accused of a criminal conspiracy along with two associates, John Colyandro, former executive director of a Texas political action committee formed by DeLay, and Jim Ellis, who heads DeLay's national political committee.

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