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Super Bowl Open Thread

Or more properly Super Bowl Investment Open Thread. In the main event, I like the East Coast Cheaters (-1) (5 units) (as opposed to the West Coast Cheaters (a word for you Hawks fans - adderall). I also like Tails in the Coin Toss.

Before we get to the fun exotic bets on the flip side, query - does it seem to you people are talking less about Super Bowl ads this year? (Other than the ridiculous tortoise v Hare thing.) I hope so. It was too much. Now on to the fun!

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Saturday Open Thread

Tomorrow is the Super Bowl. I'll have my pick for you then, but you may remember I love the Super Bowl prop bets so I'll give you a sneak peek:

SPECIAL (NE @ SEA) - What will Katy Perry be wearing when she begins the Halftime show?

(6016) Pants (below knees) +250

We'll also have the traditional props like coin clip, length of national anthem, etc. Oh, and the game of course. I think I'm going with the East Coast Cheaters.

Open Thread.

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Friday Open Thread

Another busy day. Our last open thread is full, here's another one, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

I'll be working all day (and probably tomorrow as well.) Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

Update: TL was down from about 10 pm last night until 5 am this morning (MT). All should be fine now.

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Monday Open Thread

Busy work day. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Friday Open Thread

Joseph Sledge of North Carolina has been released from prison after serving 37 years for murder. DNA proved he didn't do it, according to the three judge panel that heard the evidence.

Sledge is the eighth person exonerated after the state set up the North Carolina Innocence Inquiry Commission, the only state-run investigative agency of its kind.

The ISIS deadline for the Japanese hostages has passed. There is no statement yet from ISIS, but one is expected.

The Supreme Court today agreed to hear a challenge to lethal injection drugs filed by Oklahoma death row inmates. One of them has already been executed.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

So you can discuss the appropriate punishment for the Patriots and/or Sheldon Silver.

Open Thread.

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Wednesday Open Thread

It's a jail day for me, which means an open thread for you.

Anyone see the start of the new season of Justified? Looks like this season will be the final showdown between Raylan and Boyd.

I wonder if Japan will pay ISIS its ransom. I'm thinking it will not. India is hosting President Obama next week, and Britain just told India it's received intel ISIS may be planning an attack there soon.

Again, this is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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State of the Union

How is Obama doing? I'm just tuning in to the State of the Union. (Added: the full text of his speech is here.)

Update: Obama seems re-energized, confident and relaxed. Other points:

Lots of red states, blue states, United States stuff.

Criminal Justice: The crime rate and numbers of prisoners has declined at the same time. We need to keep reforming our criminal justice system. He uses the example of a father whose son is harassed by police, and a woman waiting for her police officer to come home after his shift. It seemed like there was louder applause for the police officer's wife.

It's time to close Gitmo." (He actually says Gitmo rather than Guantanamo.)[More...]

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Martin Luther King Day Open Thread

Today is a day to remember Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his significance to the global struggle for peace, justice, and reconciliation.[More...]

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Friday Open Thread

I'm still busy with work today. Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

The Judge has rejected Dzhokhar Tsarnaev's request for a trial delay based on the Paris attacks.

"My detailed review of juror questionnaires in preparation for voir dire has so far confirmed, rather then undermined, my judgment that a fair and impartial jury can and will be chosen to determine the issues in this case,"

I'm in court all day, this is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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