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Wednesday Open Thread

Very busy at work today. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

I've got a busy day and the dentist. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Saturday Open Thread

Your turn. All topics welcome.

Update: I just sent out my thank you emails to those of you who responded to my latest "TalkLeft Appreciation Days" request. I really appreciate the help. It's also very gratifying to realize, given the vast array of sites to follow, that so many of you have been reading for so many years.

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Thursday Open Thread

It will be several hours before I get back to a computer today. Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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TalkLeft Appreciation Days

Last Bump and Update: This is the last day I'll be bumping this up to the top. Thanks again to all who contributed, your donations are sincerely appreciated. I'll be sending thank you emails over the next week. [More....]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Our last open thread is full. Here's a new one as I catch up on the news, all topics welcome.

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Sunday Open Thread

Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour tonight. (Spring forward, Fall back.)

Our last open thread is about full, here's another one, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Update: Harrison Ford's son says he's battered from the plane crash but but will be alright. We're sending good thoughts his way.

Syria killed the top leaders of Jabhat al-Nusra today in a drone attack in Idlib. Among those killed: Military commander Abu Humam al-Shami. Reports say others killed include Abu Musab al-Palestinian, Abu Omar al-Kurdi, and Abu Bara al-Ansari. While locals said the U.S. launched the strikes, the U.S. said it hasn't struck Idlib in the past 24 hours. The attacks may be retaliation for yesterday's bombing of the Syrian Air Defense intelligence headquarters. But Al Nusrah says leader al-Shami was killed in Idlib on Feb. 27, so the U.S. denials about today don't matter.

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Wednesday Open Thread

Our last open thread is over-filled. Here's a new one, all topics welcome.

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Sunday Open Thread

Looks like we need a new open thread. Here's one, all topics welcome.

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Friday Open Thread

Time for a new open thread. All topics welcome.

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Tuesday Night Open Thread

The Voice is on fire this season. Incredible performers, and I'm glad to see Christina Aguilera back -- it's not really The Voice without her.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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