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Thursday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome. I may not be back online until sometime next week. Hopefully you find the open threads useful in my absence.

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Wednesday Open Thread

More thread.

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Monday Open Thread


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Saturday Open Thread

I like Army +22 versus Navy.

Open Thread

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Wednesday Open Thread

Time's person of the year is Angela Merkel (no link, autoplay audio/video.) You can read a summary of her career here.

Donald Trump is threatening to run as an Independent if Republicans don't treat him fairly. He cites some poll that says 68% of his Republican followers would vote for him as an Independent. (no link due to auto-playing videos on all links I could find.) [More....]

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Tuesday Open Thread

Your turn. All topics welcome.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

I did good last week, hitting my 2 big plays and many others. Let's keep it going! the picks:

Michigan State @ Iowa +4 (5 units), North Carolina +5 (5 units) @ Clemson, USC +4 (4 units) @ Stanford, Air Force +7 (3 units) @ San Diego State, West Virginia -6 (3 units) @ Kansas State, Florida +18 (3 units) @ Alabama, Southern Mississippi +8 (4 units) @ Western Kentucky, Texas @ Baylor -21 (4 units).

Go Gators!

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Friday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread

First day back after Thanksgiving is always busy. Here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Saturday College Football Open Thread

Here's how my CFB year has gone - I could hit all 19 games I picked today and I'd still be under .500. I'm a bit better on the money side as I've done decently with my larger plays, but basically a disaster. But bowl season comes soon and a winning season dollar wise is still within reach. Today's picks:

Ohio State -1 (15 units) @ Michigan, Georgia -4 (4 units) @ Georgia Tech, Virginia Tech -4 (4 units) @ Virginia, Southern Mississippi @ Louisiana Tech -6, Louisville @ Kentucky +5, Iowa State @ West Virginia -14 (3 units), Clemson @ South Carolina +17, Cincinnati @ East Carolina -1, Alabama -15 (5 units) @ Auburn, UCLA +3 (3 units) @ USC, Oklahoma -7 (13 units) @ Oklahoma State, Texas A&m +6 (3 units) @ LSU, Notre Dame @ Stanford -3 (5 units), Florida State -3 (3 units) @ Florida, Mississippi @ Mississippi State +1 (3 units), Vanderbilt +18 (3 units) @ Tennessee, Northwestern @ Illinois +4 (3 units), BYU @ Utah State +3, North Carolina -4 (5 units) @ North Carolina State.

Go Gators!

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Happy Thanksgiving and Open Thread

It's a Thanksgiving tradition we never miss here at Casa TalkLeft. Radio stations around the country today will play the 18 minute version of Arlo Guthrie's Alice's Restaurant, recorded in 1967.

Should you miss it on your local radio station and yearn for the original version, you can listen to the You Tube version above.

Why listen to Arlo's 18 minute version of Alice's Restaurant? Because it's like our liberal national anthem, that only comes around once day a year, so you don't want to miss it as it's coming around.

If you're wondering where Alice is, she's here. Does anyone besides me still have a hardcover edition of her 1969 Alice's Restaurant cookbook in their kitchen? (Photo here.) It's filled with tasty recipes and very easy instructions.

After relaxing and laughing with Arlo, you'll be ready for the chaos of Thanksgiving dinner. [More...]

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Pre-Thanksgiving Open Thread

If you're one of the lucky ones not running around like a maniac today, here's an open thread, all topics welcome.

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