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Friday Open Thread: TL (Grand) Baby Karter News

The TL kids have sent out the first photos of their new 9 pound baby girl, born at 3:30 pm yesterday. She even has a cool name -- Karter.


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Tuesday Open Thread: Baby Day

Update 11/8: 3:30 pm: A healthy baby girl has arrived, 8 lbs. 15 ozs! Mom and baby are doing well!

The TL kids are at the hospital this morning where they will will hopefully deliver a healthy baby girl. I'm on pins and needles, so until I get more news, here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

Update 10:45 pm MT: No baby yet, labor continues!

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Friday Open Thread

Time for a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Friday Open Thread

Serial groper George HW Bush gets a pass because...why? His age, his wheelchair, his ex-presidential status? Three women have now come forward, and he's admitted his conduct.

A 10 year old leads police on a 1 hr chase because he was bored waiting for his sister to get ready for school. It was his second time stealing a car for a joyride in a month.

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Monday Open Thread: This and That

I was just reading about the really high prices of Manhattan luxury condos, when I came upon this article in Curbed saying that a 90 story skyscraper is coming to Denver that will change the skyline forever. Then I saw the address: the building is going to replace the parking lot right next door to my office building. I think Denver needs a 90 story building like it needs a hole in the head. Aside from being an eyesore, it will stick out like a sore thumb.

The building will contain a "boutique hotel", 250 condos, parking for 500 vehicles, retail space, a spa and a pool -- 1 million square feet -- all in one half of a city block. Who's behind this? A New York company called Greenwich Realty Capital. [More...]

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Thursday Open Thread

Here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Yom Kippur and Open Thread

It's almost sundown which means Yom Kippur will begin. Yom Kippur, the day of atonement, is the holiest day of the year for Jews. From sundown to sundown tomorrow, there is no work and no food.

Here is a link to the services live-stream from the Reform congregation at the 92nd St Y in Manhattan.

For those not observing, here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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Happy Birthday and Open Thread

It's my birthday, they seem to be coming round faster than ever.

Yes, happy birthday wishes (and even donations for a birthday drink or other trinket are welcome.)

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Happy Rosh Hashanah and Open Thread

Today is the beginning of the High Holy Days for those of the Jewish faith. The ten day period begins tonight at sundown with Rosh Hashanah (the new year), and ends in 10 days with Yom Kippur (day of atonement).

The customary greeting is "L’Shanah tovah." ("May you have a good year.") But, there are some others:

On Rosh Hashanah it is written… On Yom Kippur it is sealed. May it be written and may it be sealed that you have a new year that brings fulfillment and happiness, peace and prosperity – all of life’s very best things. Have a Happy, Healthy New Year!

Literally, the words Rosh Hashanah mean "the head of the year." [more...]

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Monday Open Thread

I have seen so little news I didn't even know the Emmys were on last night. Apparently, Steven Colbert was not appreciated, as ratings were very very low. Was it Irma? Or has Trump-bashing lost its appeal? I pretty much ignore everything about him, so I'm probably not the one to ask. I deplore him as much today as I did during his campaign.

Has anyone bought the iPhone 8? Do you like it?

This is an open thread, all topics welcome.

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Thursday Open Thread

I wrapped up my three biggest (as in most serious with the most work) cases yesterday in court. My month long trial is officially off.

I have a bunch of personal errands to run, and have five nights of Senor de los Cielos to catch up on, and quite a few Peloton rides, all of which I have unable to do more than a week.

I hope to have that done by Saturday, and will be blogging as usual from then on.

Sometimes you just have to stop and smell the roses, and that's my plan for the next two days.

I got a text from Fishcamp saying restoration of cell phone service and internet is ongoing.

Thanks for putting up with the light blogging, and here's a new open thread, all topics welcome.

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